Workshop Presentation Materials
Farm Estate Planning and Transition Guides
NJ Farmland Preservation Program
NJ Farmland Preservation Division of the Premises
Workshop Videos

Highlights from the 2015 Rutgers Preparing for Later Life Farming Workshops
Watch the Rutgers video: Highlights from the 2015 Rutgers Preparing for Later Life Farming Workshops
Identifying Retirement Income Sources
Watch the Rutgers video: Identifying Retirement Income SourcesIdentifying sources of income for retirement years. How much do you think you will need and determining realistic sources of income.

Identifying Personal Financial Needs
Watch the Rutgers video: Identifying Personal Financial NeedsPersonal finance tips and tools for working and retirement years. Identifying retirement needs and communicating them to family members.

Tips for Successful Discussions
Watch the Rutgers video: Tips for Successful DiscussionsCommunication is necessary to understand the needs and wants of family members. Tips for successful discussions and resources for starting the conversation.

Estate Planning Guidance for Farm Families
Watch the Rutgers video: Estate Planning Guidance for Farm FamiliesConsidering estate law when developing an estate plan is an important step in reducing tax liabilities and ensuring that your wishes are fulfilled.